Boosting Website Performance with Technical SEO

Written by
Joe Comins
Published on
December 19, 2023

Are you struggling to drive traffic to your website? Is your website's performance suffering? Technical SEO may be the solution you're looking for. In today's digital landscape, a well-optimised website is key to success. Technical SEO encompasses various strategies and techniques to improve your website's performance, making it more attractive to search engines and users.

From optimising site speed to fixing broken links and improving site structure, technical SEO ensures that your website is functioning at its best. This article will dive into the importance of technical SEO and provide actionable tips to boost your website's performance. So, get ready to take your website to new heights.

Website Speed Optimisation

Website speed is an important factor that significantly affects both user experience and SEO. Studies indicate that users are inclined to leave websites that experience prolonged loading times. Additionally, search engines such as Google factor in page load speed when determining rankings. To optimise your website's speed, consider the following tips:

  • Optimise images: Pictures are usually the biggest files on a webpage and can make the page take a long time to load. You can compress images without compromising quality using tools like or TinyPNG to optimise images. Specifying image dimensions in your HTML code can help browsers render the page faster.
  • Leverage browser caching: Enabling browser caching allows users to store certain elements of your website, such as CSS files, images or locally. This decreases the number of requests sent to the server, resulting in quicker page load times. You can leverage browser caching by setting an appropriate expiration date in your website's HTTP headers.
  • Minimise HTTP requests: Reducing the amount of HTTP requests is vital for speeding up a website. This can be done by merging JavaScript and CSS files, utilising CSS sprites for multiple images, and limiting the use of plugins and external scripts. Tools like GTmetrix or Google PageSpeed Insights can help identify areas for improvement.

There are various tools available to assess and improve website speed. Google's PageSpeed Insights, GTmetrix are popular options that provide valuable insights and recommendations for optimising website speed.

Mobile-Friendly Design

The increasing use of mobile devices has made mobile optimisation a critical factor for both user experience and SEO. Google's mobile-first indexing means Google mostly looks at the mobile version for indexing and ranking. To make sure your site works well on mobile, think about these things:

  • Google's Mobile-First Indexing: With mobile-first indexing, Google crawls and indexes the mobile version of a website first. If your website doesn't work well on phones or tablets, it might not show up high in search results. If you want to see if your website works well on phones, try using Google's Mobile-Friendly Test tool.
  • Responsive and Mobile-Friendly Design: Making a responsive website design means your website can be adapted to fit different screens and devices. This helps people have a good experience whether they're using a computer, tablet, or phone. Use responsive design principles, such as fluid grids and flexible images, to create a mobile-friendly website.
  • Page Speed on Mobile Devices: Website speed is especially crucial on mobile devices, where users expect fast-loading pages. Optimise images, minimise HTTP requests and leverage browser caching for mobile devices.

You can improve user experience, increase mobile traffic, and enhance your website's SEO performance by prioritising mobile optimisation.

Crawlability and Indexing

To attain a good ranking on search engines, it's crucial that they can efficiently crawl and index their pages. Here are some key considerations for improving crawl ability and indexing:

  • Search Engine Crawling and Indexing: Search engine crawling refers to the discovery and access of web pages for indexing purposes. Indexing entails the storage and organisation of these pages within a search engine's database. Ensure search engines can access all crucial web pages by avoiding techniques that block crawlers and by optimising your website's structure.
  • Robots.txt Files and XML Sitemaps: Robots.txt files provide instructions to search engine crawlers about which parts of your website to crawl and which to avoid. XML sitemaps assist search engines in understanding and discovering the structure of your website. Optimise your robots.txt file and create an XML sitemap to enhance crawlability and indexing.
  • Optimising Site Structure: A well-organised site structure assists search engines in understanding the hierarchy and relationships between your web pages. Use clear and descriptive URLs, optimise internal linking, and create a logical navigation structure to improve crawl ability. This also helps distribute link equity and improve the visibility of your important pages.

By ensuring efficient crawl ability and indexing, you can assist search engines in discovering and ranking your web pages effectively.

Structured Data Markup (

Structured data markup, commonly referred to as schema markup, is a method used to offer search engines more details about your website's content. Implementing structured data can enrich search results with enhanced snippets, potentially boosting click-through rates and user engagement. Here's how to leverage structured data effectively:

  • Understanding Structured Data and Schema Markup: Structured data refers to a standardized layout used to offer details about the content found on a webpage. Schema markup, derived from, is a specialised form of structured data that aids search engines in grasping the context and significance of the content. It's beneficial to acquaint yourself with various types of schema markup and their advantages. 
  • Enhancing Search Results with Rich Snippets: Rich snippets are additionally visible in search engine results, like star ratings, event specifics, or product information. Through schema markup, incorporating these enrichments can enhance the appeal and visibility of your search listings, resulting in increased click-through rates and improved organic traffic.
  • Commonly Used Schema Markup Examples: Several schema markup types can be applied to different types of content. For example, you can use Article schema markup for blog posts, Review schema markup for product reviews, and LocalBusiness schema markup for business listings. Research and implement the appropriate schema markup for your content.

Implementing structured data markup can give your website a competitive edge by making your search listings more informative and appealing to users.

Technical SEO for E-commerce Websites

E-commerce websites have unique technical SEO considerations that need to be addressed to maximise their visibility and performance. Here are some key areas to focus on:

  • Product Page Optimizations: Optimize your product pages with relevant keywords, unique and descriptive meta tags, and compelling product descriptions. Optimise your URLs and ensure that your product pages are easily accessible for search engine crawlers.
  • Canonical Tags and Duplicate Content: E-commerce websites often face challenges with duplicate content due to multiple product variations or similar descriptions. Use canonical tags to show a page's preferred version and prevent duplicate content problems. Use 301 redirects to consolidate duplicate pages and avoid diluting your website's ranking potential.
  • Optimising Product Images: Images are crucial for e-commerce websites, but they can also impact website speed. Optimise product images by compressing them, using appropriate file formats, and implementing lazy loading to ensure fast-loading pages. Include descriptive alt tags to assist search engines in understanding the content of the images.
  • Implementing Schema for Products: Schema markup is particularly valuable for e-commerce websites as it can enhance product visibility in search results. Implement product-specific schema markup, such as Product schema, Review schema, and Offer schema, to provide search engines with detailed information about your products.

By implementing these technical SEO considerations, you can improve the visibility, user experience, and conversion rate of your e-commerce website.

Fixing Technical SEO Issues

E-commerce websites have unique technical considerations that need to be addressed for optimal performance. Here are some areas to focus on when optimising technical SEO for e-commerce:

  • Product Page Optimizations: Optimize your product pages by ensuring unique and descriptive meta titles and descriptions, using relevant keywords, and providing high-quality images. Additionally, optimise your product URLs for better search engine visibility.
  • Canonical Tags and Duplicate Content: E-commerce websites often face issues with duplicate content, such as similar product descriptions or multiple URLs for the same product. Canonical tags can help specify the preferred version of a page, ensuring that search engines understand which version to index.
  • Optimising Product Images: High-quality images are essential for e-commerce websites. Optimise your product images by compressing them, specifying alt tags, and using descriptive file names. This not only improves user experience but also helps search engines understand the content image.
  • Implementing Schema for Products: Utilize schema markup designed for products to enhance their visibility in search results. By providing details such as price, availability, and reviews, you can attract more qualified traffic to your e-commerce website.

International SEO Considerations

If you have a global audience, international SEO is vital for reaching and engaging users in different regions. Here are some technical aspects to consider for international SEO:

  • Hreflang Tags: Hreflang tags are HTML attributes that specify the language and regional targeting of your web pages. By using hreflang tags properly, you can make sure that search engines show the right version of your website according to the user's language and location.
  • Addressing Duplicate Content for Multi-Language Websites: Multiple language versions of your website can lead to duplicate content issues. To address this, use hreflang tags, specify the language in the HTML lang attribute, and consider implementing localised content and URLs.
  • Geo-Targeting in Google Search Console: Google Search Console offers geo-targeting settings that allow you to specify the target country for your website. This can help Google understand your website's intended audience and improve its visibility in specific regions.

How can we help?

If you're unsure about the technical SEO aspects of your website or need assistance in optimising its performance, we can help. Our team can conduct an initial technical SEO audit to identify core technical issues and provide one-time fixes to ensure your website is optimised for success. By implementing the recommendations and fixes provided in this article, you can boost your website's performance with technical SEO. Remember, a well-performing website enhances user experience and increases your opportunity to rank higher in search engine results. Take the necessary steps to optimise your website today and reap the rewards of increased visibility and online success.

Contact us today for an initial technical SEO audit and one-time fixes to boost your website's performance.

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